


Karen Fox

Cheif Revenue Officer at Sabroso Foods

"Clear the Path has done a tremendous job in crafting the most important aspects ofthe definition of entrepreneurship. The material is clear, easy and fun to follow which is very important to obtain the interest and the engagement from participants!"

Anonymous Student

Carmel High school

"All of the presentations were informative and easy to understand. I liked how they were formated and really enjoyed the lessons. Absolutely amazing and super helpful!

Anonymous Student

Park Tudor High School

"All the lessons were really fun! They really helped me to understand entrepreneurship and finance. Now those topics don't seem as scary."

Anonymous Student

Fall Creek Middle School

"I like how Clear the Path's curriculum is written by people in my age range. I think they better understand my worries and struggles as a student, and this type of "peer learning" is something I haven't seen with other programs."

Ms. Gore, M.Ed.

Financial Literacy Teacher

"Lesson 1 looks great! Overall, very good! By keeping things related, students understand and comprehend the material better."

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to to reach out to us - we’d love to talk to you!
