Digital Literacy/Safety

Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy/Safety



Protecting children online. 

An online attack takes place every 39 seconds and 59% of US teens have been cyberbullied or threatened online. Therefore, Clear the Path has designed a program to teach students online safety, including topics such as cyberbullying, fradulent activity, and online scams. By teaching students online skills in a kid-friendly manner, Clear the Path empowers teens to be responsible online.

Quick Facts...

In 2020 the Federal Bureau of Invesitgation found that eight children per day face online exploitation. Within the US, DQ Institute confirmed that ~12M children are exposed to cyber risks and ~9M are affected by cyberbullying, =while 6M experienced cyber threats in the US alone! Despite all ofthe great things the internet can offer, it can also be a dangerous place. Clear the Path cares deeply about children and their safety, and therefore started this project.

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We Care...

In the current modern age, technology is playing a bigger and bigger role in one's daily life. Therefore, it is imperative for education to innovate along with technology, especially regrading digital literacy and online safety for kids and teens. This is Clear the Path's goal: to protect children online by teaching online safety and digital skills. As well as raising awareness on the issue of online safety.

“Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference.” – Barbara De Angelis


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